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Session Four: Make it Count


What’s something you’ve done that felt full of meaning? (Some examples could be: feeding the homeless, going on a mission trip, doing your job well, raising your kids, raising money for a charity, etc.)

The Christian life is full of purpose. Even if we didn’t necessarily see it when we first believed, God has a purpose for us. Every day can count for something as a follower of Jesus. We have a God who has saved us and is always with us.


Watch Session Four: Make it Count.


Tim told the story of having a good offensive line when he played football. His teammates had his back, even when the defensive line threatened Tim. He used football to illustrate how God always has our back. When has God “had your back”? What did he do to show you he was with you?

Tim talked about how we all face giants—or struggles—in our lives. We might face doubt, insecurity, or fear, but we know that God is always with us. What are some of the “giants” you’re facing right now?

What has God done in the past to help you face difficult situations? In what ways does his presence with you in the past help you with your struggles today?

Tim told the story of Sarah, a girl dying from cancer, who made it to her prom night right before she passed away. She made the most of her final days on earth. God sustained her through it all, even to the end. What could it look like for you to depend on God like Sarah did?

Tim closed by reminding us that God has defeated death. Through Jesus, who defeated the grave, God gives us an abundant life. What difference does it make to your perspective of trials to know that God has already defeated the greatest “giant” we could ever face?


Read Ephesians 2:4–10.

As these verses point out, God didn’t just raise Jesus from the dead. He also raised us to new life with Jesus. We were dead in our sin, but now we’re alive in Jesus. In what ways have you experienced the new life found in Jesus?

These verses remind us that we were saved by God’s grace. We didn’t do anything to deserve his salvation. When did you first realize God’s grace towards you? What impact did learning about his grace have on you?

In verse 9, it’s clear that we weren’t saved by our works. If we were, we’d be able to boast about how our good deeds saved us. In what situations is it tempting for you to boast in your good works? Why do we have no room for boasting as followers of Jesus?

Verse 10 ties directly to Tim’s final challenge to us to make every day count. The verse reminds us that we were created to do good works. These works don’t save us, but they reflect the new life we have in Jesus. They honor the God who saved us. We can make every day count by obeying God through the good works he’s asked us to do. What’s one thing you could do this week to make every day count?

As followers of Jesus, we live life with purpose. Jesus has saved us through his sacrifice on the cross. He’s given us abundant life through the grace of God. We can live in light of the truths of the gospel. As we close this series, continue to think of ways you can honor God every single day of your life.


Select an activity from the list below to begin applying the lessons of this session to your life.

Pray: Start each day this week with a short time of prayer. Ask God to help you make each day count. Pray for opportunities to serve the people in your life and to reflect the love Jesus has extended to you.

Read: Read chapters 10–12 of Tim Tebow’s book This is the Day.

Write: Write out your story of salvation this week. Read back through it and thank God for extending his grace to you. Underline certain moments that show the abundant life Jesus offers us. Take a minute or two to praise God for moving in your life.

Share: Tell someone what you learned through this series. If they don’t know Jesus, share about God’s grace and the life Jesus offers us if we follow him. If they’re Christians, challenge them to make every day count.